• Legalize and decriminalize marijuana completely, with no government interference or taxes
  • Get Canada out of Afghanistan and not take part in any more of George Bush's old War on Terror
  • Preserve and strengthen property rights more than any other party
  • Scrap the gun registry
  • Allow law-abiding citizens to keep firearms, and to keep them loaded and ready to use to protect yourself and your family
  • Return Canada to a gold and silver-backed currency; this does not mean we begin using gold and silver coins again, it means that banks cannot create fiat funny money, and charge interest on it, and must limit their credit to honest money held on deposit
  • Sell off the CBC, as it loses money and costs on average a billion dollars per year; sell off the National Film Board
  • Refuse to spend your tax money on any arts funding at all
  • Abolish the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission
  • Repeal the Official Languages Act, and any other legislation compelling individuals to use certain languages
  • Repeal all laws permitting the government to declare martial laws, or to give the police extraordinary powers
  • Withdraw from the United Nations
  • Repeal compulsory education laws, and eliminate the government operation, regulation, and subsidy of educational institutions
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